Purchase Policies

  • Stormroot Botanica sells all items as a curio only.
    Our products are in no way a substitute for proper medical care nor to be used as an alternative for one seeking medical treatment.
    Your physical health and mental wellness are each to be treated through a relationship established between you and your professional primary care or mental health physician.
    I do not advertise products as ‘healing” nor “therapeutic”.
    I do not advertise myself as a “healer” nor do I accept responsibility of those who cannot comply with personal accountability.

  • The nature of the materia and how it is created does not allow Stormroot Botanica to provide refunds or exchanges.
    Please read through item descriptions carefully and purchase your selections thoughtfully.
    All sales are final.

  • Stormroot Botanica is not a commercial manufacturer.
    I am not trying to replicate, mass produce, nor follow food/medical grade industry guidelines.
    Use Discernment. Ask Questions. Do your own research.

    It is important to note that newly created products will not be an exact replication of previously created products. The nature of my work is nuanced and the result of the work will always be nuanced.
    Once products from specific series (particularly Planetary Series) are gone, they are gone.

  • To keep customer costs down, Stormroot Botanica securely packages all items in clean, minimalistic, black packaging material.
    I work with recycled tissue paper, reusable boxes, and bottles and containers that can be easily repurposed.
    I promote recycling and if you want to send containers back to me- I offer a refill program.
    I do not add “extras” into my packaging. This means no commercial product labels, no warning stickers, no additional advertising material, bows, or fancy gift wrap. No fluff.
    This may change over time, but for now I personally view packaging as “waste material” and try not to increase its presence in landfills.
    I will also use recycled packaging material inside of shipping boxes for extra padding when needed.
    If an item needs to be prepared as a gift, please let me know upon your order and that can be arranged for an additional cost.

  • Allergies and sensitivities.
    The products at Stormroot are designed to be safely applied to the skin, sprayed in the air or burned in the direct environment. Everything is created with organic oils and plant matter, free of preservatives and typically have a shelf life of 1 year. That said, individuals are each responsible to perform all necessary sensitivity tests upon receiving their products and prior to use.
    Because of our no return policy, if you find you are sensitive you can use the materia for non-topical purposes, ie, to anoint candles, mojo bags or to consecrate petitions or other magical items.

    For skin applications:
    Always begin working with materia by applying as a patch test.

    While I highlight the -nature- of the ingredients used in my products, as a means of protecting my formulations I do not include itemized plant ingredient lists unless a specific plant or oil is included that is of a higher volatility.
    If you have sensitivities or are allergen specific, please feel free to contact me with questions.

    Anything burned, wether it be a candle, wood, incense, or paper, releases smoke, toxic compounds, and carbon dioxide into your direct environment.
    Regardless if ingredients are “clean and natural”, the nature of burning converts all natural matter into a volatile substance that is inhaled into the lungs.
    When working with burnables take all necessary pre-cautions and make sure you have proper air ventilation to minimize exposure.


    All of our products are typically fragrant, but I will note wether the essence has been added or if it is naturally derived.
    Because fragrance is a powerful form of influnece, I employ a lot of aromatic plants in the work. I will also use Essential Oils to further enhance the work when called for.
    If is a product comes to you and you find the fragrance too strong for your preference, you can dilute the materia with a plain base oil (such as almond or grape seed) for the oils, or for the tonics by adding witch hazel or distilled water.